星期六, 1月 29, 2011

Komica 更換多個討論板網域名稱

dreamhosters.com 是 Dreamhost 主機商提供的免費網域。近日 Google AdSense 無預警停止對 dreamhosters.com 網域的廣告播送,推測可能此網域有用戶違反該公司的廣告政策。為避免被波及,所以將分屬在三台不同 Dreamhost 主機的討論板予以重新命名,並以 Mirror 方式對應到舊的網域,因此使用新舊網址都可以看到一樣的內容,差別只有在使用舊網址連結時,將會看不到網頁上 Google 播送的廣告。

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Komica 故障通報

Komica 討論板主要使用 Dreamhost 的主機服務。根據 Dreamhost Status 的消息, Dreamhost 計劃在台北時間 2011-01-29 14:00 到 18:00 間進行網路設備停機維修。原文如下,請參考。這段時間,請改用 2cat連結其他不受影響的板面。

Network Maintenance: Friday, January 28th – 22:00 through Saturday, January 29th 02:00 PST

Posted (January 28th, 2011 at 9:30 pm PST) by robertn
There will be a 15 minute outage to reload our core and border routers. This is unavoidable, due to a bug in IOS that is critical for us to patch.

Plan on a 15 minute outage at our Downtown facility at 22:00 PST.
Plan on a 15 minute outage at our LAX facility at 00:00 PST (Saturday, January 28th)

Also at our LAX facility we will reload several of our distribution and access switches. This could also result in a 10 minute disruption in service, but we are endeavoring to coordinate that effort with the core reload to minimize downtime.

Please plan accordingly.
Thank you for your patience

Source URL:

  • *.komica.org
  • *.komica2.net
  • *.komica3.net
  • *.dreamhosters.com

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